Strategic Brand Management
By:Richard Rosenbaum-Elliott,Richard H. Elliott,Larry Percy,Simon Pervan
Published on 2015-07-30 by Oxford University Press, USA

Strategic Brand Management third edition, uniquely analyses the social andcultural aspects of brand strategy and its influence on consumerperceptions around the world.Written by experts in the field, itis designed to ensure students are confident in analysing traditionalideas of brand equity and positioning and are able to understand theemotional and cultural connections brands create and employ. The book'sinnovative framework separates a brand's concept into its functionaland emotional parts to give students a complete understanding of howbrands operate and compete for consumer loyalty.In addition,brand management theory is applied to a wealth of engaging real-lifecase studies and full colour images clearly illustrate brand strategiesin action. Diverse and dynamic examples include Red Bull, Fiat, andVirgin, as well as innovative Australian stationery brands, Scandinaviancoffee companies, and international retail giants.As a result, Strategic Brand Managementis the complete and essential textbook for students aiming to developtheir academic and professional skills and learn more about thischallenging andprofitable industry. New to this editionUpdatedand extended coverage of online and technological changes to brandmanagement strategies, including social media and internet communities.Wider international coverage with new examples from Asia, Australia, and Europe.A new full colour presentation givesdiagrams and photographs more impact, better enhancing the reader'sunderstanding of brand management theory and practice.A range of new and updated case studies andexamples illustrate significant developments in brand managementpractice since 2011.New key concept boxes allow the reader to recap and review the core theories and ideas set out at the beginning of each chapter.
This Book was ranked at 20 by Google Books for keyword management.
Book ID of Strategic Brand Management's Books is KYUlCgAAQBAJ, Book which was written byRichard Rosenbaum-Elliott,Richard H. Elliott,Larry Percy,Simon Pervanhave ETAG "ZLnTot4F34o"
Book which was published by Oxford University Press, USA since 2015-07-30 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780198704201 and ISBN 10 Code is 0198704208
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Book which have "320 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBrand name products
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