This is new 'Knights Corner' Intel supercomputer co-processor. HotChips is the show where chip makers come to show off their latest slices of silicon, and Knights Corner architect George Chrysos spilled the beans on Santa Clara's Xeon Phi co-processor. The unit's designed to bolt onto Xeon chips to help supercomputers crunch the numbers faster, by handling the "highly parallel" grunt work necessary for genetic and climate modeling, among other things. Chrysos has lofty goals for the hardware, hoping that it'll contribute to "scientific and technical progress," while we're just excited to see if it can help the company reclaim its Top 500 crown from IBM.
Exascale, George Chrysos, GeorgeChrysos, High Performance Computing, HighPerformanceComputing, Hot Chips, Hot Chips 2012, HotChips, HotChips2012, HPC, Intel, Knights Corner, KnightsCorner, Many Knights, ManyKnights, Xeon, Xeon Phi, XeonPhi