2009 was the year of EVERYTHING IS TOUCHSCREEN but times-a-changing. I’m aloof gonna go advanced and accomplish a anticipation for 2010. We’re activity to see a bag amount of concepts with 3D-enabled technologies. Take a attending at this MacBook 3D and get acclimated to some of the features. It’s like any added MacBook except there are stereoscopic iSight cameras, a touchscreen trackpad (soooo 2009), and a hingeless back design.
All badinage aside, I am a bit intrigued. 3D imaging has Hollywood scrambling to accompany the appearance so it’s accessible technology leaders will anon accommodate consumers with some of the aforementioned features. Apple’s iSight camera is acceptable so slapping two on there to accommodate apish abyss is absolutely feasible. Aloof brainstorm babble rouletting in 3D! I’m not abiding about the hingeless architecture though; couldn’t acquaint it it’s adjustable or a anecdotal joint. The board is still out on touchscreen trackpads. We saw bags of those concepts all through 2008-2009 and no accomplish seems to accept bitten. Is it aloof too novel, too expensive, and ability clarification to implement?