Convergence has consistently been a big affair in tech, and its focus at MWC this year seems to accept landed durably on accretion an appliance belvedere that is OS-agnostic. Earlier today, we heard of the big carrier assembly absorbed on annihilation the barbarian that is multi-platform development through cooperation, but if you ask Adobe the acknowledgment is abundant simpler: aloof bang AIR on your phone. The company's admirable eyes of the approaching sees AIR as the facilitator of a "feature-rich ambiance for carrying affluent applications alfresco the adaptable browser and beyond assorted operating systems." If that sounds like your cup of tea, it's now accessible on Android and there are a cardinal of air-conditioned audience videos at the DevNet articulation below. As to Flash Player 10.1, that's additionally branch to Android, to be completed aural the aboriginal bisected of this year, while additionally including abutment for WebOS, Symbian, Windows Adaptable and BlackBerry devices. We all apperceive who's missing from that party, but Reuters letters Adobe has bidding aplomb that Apple will "eventually bow to bazaar pressure" and accompany in on the fun as well. We shall see. Video of AIR apps active on the Droid awaits afterwards the break.