Intercultural Management
By:Nina Jacob
Published on 2003 by Kogan Page Publishers
Intercultural management is an emerging but increasingly crucial area of study. Essentially, intercultural management concerns itself with work forces that function in different cultural contexts. These differences can be either |external|, where an organization operates across national and ethnic cultures, or |internal|, where an organization operates across company differences, branches or regions. Intercultural Management MBA Masterclass is a thorough and accessible guide to the most important concepts and ideas required to formulate and understand intercultural management strategies. Nina Jacob details the fundamental concepts and ideas using the latest research and international case studies. Designed to meet the needs of busy MBA students and practising managers, the book is both academically rigorous and firmly grounded in management practice. Intercultural Management MBA Masterclass covers all the need-to-know topics, including: organizational structure; communications; core values; strategy; knowledge management; conflict resolution; expatriate management. Full of questions and discussion topics and the most up-to-date case studies, Intercultural Management MBA Masterclass is a practical and authoritative guide for students and practising managers. The book includes international case studies of: Credit Suisse, NestlΓ©, BMW, IBM, and the International Red Cross. Authoritative and academic, yet practical, the MBA Masterclass series is designed to cover the latest developments in management thinking and practice. Covering the core subjects on current MBA programmes and business courses, the series will: accelerate your MBA; develop your knowledge; improve your skills.
This Book was ranked at 29 by Google Books for keyword management.
Book ID of Intercultural Management's Books is s5jpNjc8QygC, Book which was written byNina Jacobhave ETAG "o65LXsEWdbg"
Book which was published by Kogan Page Publishers since 2003 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780749435820 and ISBN 10 Code is 0749435828
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "250 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics
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