Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Google's freedom and Chinese firewall

Google's adventuresome move to alter its China.cn chase agent to Hong Kong was dramatic, but ultimately ineffectual.

On Tuesday, acreage Chinese Internet users could see the two-line description of chase after-effects for such ahead censored capacity as Falun Gong and Tiananmen Square, but they could still not admission belief or abstracts accompanying to the topics.

Instead, they got a accepted absurdity message, "The affiliation was displace . . ."

Showing the chase after-effects instead of Google.cn's accepted abnegation that because of bounded laws some of the chase after-effects will not be shown, was an improvement, but not abundant of one.

Read more: http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=2715792#ixzz0iy39xmoW

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Description: Google's freedom and Chinese firewall Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: sms ItemReviewed: Google's freedom and Chinese firewall
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